Passive components
Resistors 1% 0402
Reference | Package | Value | Quantity | Rating | Note |
R201 R204 | 0402 | 5.1K | 2 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R202 R203 | 0402 | 22R | 2 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R319 R401 R412 | 0402 | 100K | 3 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R403 | 0402 | 102K | 1 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R404 | 0402 | 133K | 1 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R101 R502 R602 R603 | 0402 | 1K | 4 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R405 R408 R409 R604 R605 | 0402 | 33K | 5 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R301 R313 R402 R406 R407 R410 R414 R415 R501 R606 R609 R610 R611 R613 | 0402 | 10K | 14 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R103 R208 R608 R612 | 0402 | 200R | 4 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
R316 R320 | 0402 | 510R | 2 | >=1/16th Watts | 1% |
Any standard quality 1% resistor can be used. We use UniRoyal (UniOhm/RoyalOhm).
- REV10+ adds 510R
1K (R602 R603), 33K (R405 R408 R409 R604 R605), 102K (R403), 133K (R404) are used in analog circuits. Confirm they are 1% tolerance.
Resistor arrays 5% 0402x4 convex
Reference | Package | Value | Quantity | Rating | Note |
RN301 RN305 RN306 RN309 | 0402x4 convex | 330R | 4 | >=1/16th Watts | 5% |
RN315 RN400 RN401 RN402 | 0402x4 convex | 510R | 4 | >=1/16th Watts | 5% |
RN311 RN312 | 0402x4 convex | 10K | 2 | >=1/16th Watts | 5% |
RN303 RN308 RN317 RN318 | 0402x4 convex | 100K | 4 | >=1/16th Watts | 5% |
RN302 RN304 RN307 RN310 | 0402x4 convex | 1M | 4 | >=1/16th Watts | 5% |
Any standard quality 5% 0402x4 resistor array can be used. Convex type (leads on the tips of each resistor). We use UniRoyal (UniOhm/RoyalOhm).
- REV10+ adds 510R
Resistor 5% 0805
Reference | Package | Value | Quantity | Rating | Note |
R209 | 0805 | 33R | 1 | >=1/10th Watts | 5% |
Any standard 5% resistor can be used. This is a current limiting resistor for the LCD back-light, tolerance is not important. We've been using UniRoyal (UniOhm/RoyalOhm).
Resistor 0.2R 1% 2W 2512
Reference | Package | Value | Quantity | Rating | Note |
R601 | 2512 | 0.2R | 1 | >=2 Watts | 1%, <=100ppm/C |
Any standard 1% 2512 package resistor can be used. It is best to have the lowest ppm/C possible. 50-100ppm/C is inexpensive and readily available.
Ceramic Capacitors 10 or 16 volts 0402
Reference | Package | Value | Quantity | Rating | Note |
C105 C106 | 0402 | 15pF | 2 | >=10 volts | |
C408 | 0402 | 120pF | 1 | >=10 volts | |
C103 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C121 C301 C302 C303 C304 C305 C306 C307 C308 C309 C310 C311 C312 C313 C314 C315 C316 C403 C406 C414 C415 C416 C501 C502 C503 C506 C508 C510 C602 C605 C701 C702 C703 C704 C705 C706 C707 C708 C710 C712 C713 C714 C715 C716 C717 C718 C719 C720 | 0402 | 0.1uF | 58 | >=10 volts | |
C104 C107 C108 C109 C405 C413 C504 C507 C509 C601 | 0402 | 2.2uF | 10 | >=10 volts | |
C201 C202 C401 C402 C404 C407 | 0402 | 4.7uF | 6 | >=10 volts | <2ohms ESR |
Any standard quality capacitors rated for 10 volts or more can be used. We use Samsung.
4.7uF is used with voltage regulators and should be a "low ESR" type with 2ohm or less ESR.
Diode 1N4148 SOD-323
Reference | Package | Value | Quantity | Rating | Note |
D401 D601 D602 D603 | SOD-523 | 1N4148 | 4 |
Standard 1N4148 diode, any manufacturer.
- REV10+ replaces SOD-323 with a smaller SOD-523 package.
Several manufacturers make a 1N4148 diode and also several of the transistors in this BOM. See the table in the Transistors and FETs section of the sourcing guide.
Dual Schottky Diode BAS40 SOT-523
Reference | Package | Value | Quantity | Rating | Note |
D500 D501 D502 D503 D504 | SOT-523 | BAS40-05T | 5 | common cathode |
Dual Schottky diodes with very low reverse leakage (<=6nA @ 5volts T=25c) and low forward voltage (<=0.4volt @ 0.05mA T=25c).
- REV10+ adds BAS40 to protect op-amp inputs from reverse current
This diode protects op-amps connected to the IO pins from damage due to reverse current when reverse powered. The forward voltage must be less than 0.5volts with some margin to spare.
In our experience the generic equivalent parts are very leaky, so we use genuine Diodes INC parts in REV10. We continue to investigate cheaper alternatives for future revisions.
- BAS40-05T-7-F (Diodes INC)
Ferrite Bead 1.5A 0805
Reference | Package | Value | Quantity | Rating | Note |
L201 | 0805 | Ferrite bead | 1 | >=1.5A | <100Ohms @ 100MHz |
This ferrite bead filters RF interference to/from the USB cable. The part must be rated for 1.5Amps or more, but the other values are not critical. Ideally it should have less than 100Ohms resistance at 100MHz (typically 15 or 30Ohms @ 100MHz). Tolerance is not important, typically +/-25%.
The same bead used on the previous Bus Pirate v3/v4 versions will work.